Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Baby Moose's Church Outfit

Knowing how to knit really comes in handy when you have umpteen-million friends having babies. However, when those babies are primarily being born in the summer, knowing what to knit is not very easy. It's usually then complicated further when the parents wait to find out the sex. So I thank Miss Shelley immensely for finding out she's having a boy! It made knitting for her July baby SO much easier! Plus, she goes to church, so I knew I could dress that baby up a bit.

A sweet little cabled vest and bow tie. The buttons at the top are functional.

Daddy Reed is a lawyer and wears bow ties all the time. It seemed fitting that his first born son should have a baby version. I didn't have a pattern for this, and really had no clue either. So I basically just sewed a rectangle and then a little strip to go around the middle. I fastened a clip-on earring to the back, because I didn't want to be held responsible for anything being too tight around the baby's neck!

The code name for Baby Boy Cornia is "Moose." I found a little moose button and sewed it to the bottom much like Abercrombie does with their appliques.

A baby tweet card to go along with the gift.

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1 comment:

Peanut Blossom said...

OMG OMG That is the CUTEST little boy baby gift I think I've ever seen! What a lucky baby and mommy to receive such an awesome gift. LOVE the moose, too. If you're ever in a pinch, baby hats are great no matter when the weather. :) We got 2 good years of use out of a hat a friend knitted for my peanut.