Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Sweet Life

Three days til I'm off to the sweet life. However, it's not lost on me that my life is pretty sweet with or without a vacation. I have a husband who makes me laugh and listens to me complain about all my daily aches and pains. I have friends near and far, who would be there for me in a second's notice if I ever needed them. I have a family that loves me regardless of how non-conformist I choose to be. I have a job...sure it makes me crazy, but it still gives me *somewhat* of a creative outlet. I have a roof over my head (even if it comes with running toddler feet of my upstairs neighbors). And I have a blogger friend oceans away who gave me an award just for doing what I crafting. Thanks Ning!

Now to share the love! I'm passing this award to: LollyChops, designwaitress, oneshabbychick, carolkroll, and yummygoods. Your blogs inspire me and entertain me so much!

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carol said...

Awwwww, thank you Carrie! You inspire ME too!

Now I need to get my buns in gear and make a post over there.


designwaitress said...

Thank you, Carrie! Your blog inspires ME! I love seeing all the things you're working on and admire the ambition you have. I'm lucky to have YOU as a friend!
x o

babalisme said...

Love the lists of award winners you chose!
...You still owe me an array of ladybug pictures, Carrie! :D